SkyLab - Marketing Studio

We create websites that sell


Modern design

Minimalist and easy to understand for users of any age

Well-thought headlines

Display key query, problem or client benefit


Mobile first

Mobile-friendly version and elements to improve usability

Powerful, flexible CMS

We are WordPress fans and know how to make cool projects on this CMS

Website creation step-by-step

How we work in general


Analytics, goal setting

We study your business and offer. Set goals and results the future site should achieve. Based on the data - choose the right site option, make the structure and technical task for design, text writing and development.

Prototyping and design

We sketch the design layout in Figma - provide you with a link to view it. Agree on blocks, make adjustments and suggestions to the layout.

Coding and setting up the structure

When the design is approved - we proceed to assembling the site. Code the pages, program the logic. Also provide a link to intermediate stages, so you can try the site during development.

Testing and launching ads

The site is assembled and ready for testing. We check for proper functioning on all devices and browsers. Optimize loading speed and do internal SEO optimization.

When the site is ready to go - we set up ads and start lead generation


We put our heart into every website

A few recent works

We responsibly meet deadlines

We support after launch

We save your time

We fix the price in the contract

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By clicking the button you consent to the processing of your personal data and agree to the privacy policy